Optimistic Amillennial: Oxymoron
When I was growing up in a Christian home, the topic of eschatology wasn't something that came up often. In fact, the word “eschatology” wasn't even known or used. Sure, there were always discussions about the “last days” and of course I was aware of the literature and speculation surrounding the debate, but they never became a topic of study. This is evidenced by the fact that the most controversial question you could ask was: “Are you pre-trib, or post-trib?” Everyone knew “mid-trib” existed, but it seemed ridiculous to include them in the discussion. You can then imagine my surprise when I was made aware of other eschatalogical views. Ones that had escaped my knowledge for my entire life. Not only were pre/post-trib far from the only options, but those were merely a subset of the greater perspective called “Premillennialism.” I also learned that there were other, entirely different views that were not pre- millennial at all. Amillennialism and Postmillennialism ...