Why I no longer say the Pledge of Allegiance
I do not want to start an argument or cause divisions between our families. I only want to state my reasons for not saying the Pledge 0f Allegiance. I am not totally ignorant of “flag etiquette,” nor am I trying to be disrespectful, but rather I am concerned with my relationship, walk, and allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ. I am sure this may sound foreign to many Christians, so let me explain what I believe and why. I do not hate America or its citizens, (and I am very grateful to the veterans and founding fathers who sacrificed so much so that I could have the liberty to practice my religious beliefs as my conscience dictates, including the right to NOT say the pledge.) I only realize that this (and every other) worldly nation will pass away, and when I stand before the Judge I want to stand with no blemishes on my conscience. (What blemishes would result from saying the pledge? Well, I want to be obedient to the teachings of the Lord to not do anything that he commands me not t...