
Showing posts from 2021

River Euphrates: End time symbol?

 This last Sunday at my non-denominational (yet predominantly premillennial) church, another typical  "doom and gloom" and end times speculative sermon was preached. The usual "evidences" were presented and there was not much that grabbed my attention. Except one thing. This is not an exact quote, but it went something like this... " ...and another thing, the River Euphrates is drying up! This is clearly in fulfilment of Revelation which says: 'And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.' (Rev 16:12)  This has never  happened in history, with the one exception of king Cyrus in the time of Daniel. This is a clear indication that the 6th bowl of wrath has been poured out and that the battle of Armageddon is next! The way to Israel is being prepared for the great final battle, through this we know that the last days are probably only a ...

A Response to Doug Wilson and the Nephilim view

Well, here I am. I've probably lost count of how many articles I've read on "refuting Doug Wilson," and, "why Doug Wilson is wrong," etc. I certainly wasn't looking to write my own, and probably never would have if it had not been for a recent post on Blog and Mablog titled, "The Nephilim, Hades, and other Oddments."  Now, let me be clear. I am far from being a Wilson hater or someone who sifts every word written by him for the express intent of finding every error or disagreement that can be conjured. I actually really appreciate the perspectives, ministry and level-headed approach that Wilson usually takes. I am also far from being "in line" with him. I could easily list several points of disagreement, but that is not the thrust of this article. However, one thing I do strongly disagree with is Wilson's view of the (infamous) chapter 6 of Genesis and the Nephilim of pre-flood people. Now, it is true that Wilson holds the majori...