A Response to Doug Wilson and the Nephilim view
Well, here I am. I've probably lost count of how many articles I've read on "refuting Doug Wilson," and, "why Doug Wilson is wrong," etc. I certainly wasn't looking to write my own, and probably never would have if it had not been for a recent post on Blog and Mablog titled, "The Nephilim, Hades, and other Oddments." Now, let me be clear. I am far from being a Wilson hater or someone who sifts every word written by him for the express intent of finding every error or disagreement that can be conjured. I actually really appreciate the perspectives, ministry and level-headed approach that Wilson usually takes. I am also far from being "in line" with him. I could easily list several points of disagreement, but that is not the thrust of this article. However, one thing I do strongly disagree with is Wilson's view of the (infamous) chapter 6 of Genesis and the Nephilim of pre-flood people. Now, it is true that Wilson holds the majori...