
Showing posts from May, 2022

A School Of Fish: A Parable

A School of Fish: A Parable. Once upon a time, there was a large tank filled with water, where many different types of fish swam. All were brightly colored and shiny, some were big, others were small. They all spent their days swimming in circles and admiring each other's unique colorations. Their life was simple, but they were provided food, clean water and company, so they didn't complain. The one exception was the oldest fish in the tank. He was much darker in color than the rest of the fish and he didn’t swim in circles or dash up to get food. He always lurked in the shadows of the bottom of the tank and waited until the leftover food sunk down to him. The only thing that broke the joy of their daily life was when the net came. Every so often, a black circle would be lowered into the tank, and a seemingly invisible force would scoop up a fish, and drag them to the surface. This would terrify the rest of the fish and the tank would explode with activity, but with nowhere to ...