Natural Law: Seeker Sensitive Jurisprudence
Theonomy or Autonomy. I’ve heard it many times. The implication is simple. Either you acknowledge and strive to follow and understand God's Law (as revealed in the Bible), or you reject God's Laws in favor of man's opinions, methods of justice, morality, and lawgiving. For many, the line is clearly drawn in the sand. Theonomists are quickly and easily identified because of the name that is applied to their position (theos=God, nomos=Law). There is room for differences and debate within this position, but ultimately all theonomists seek one thing: to properly and accurately apply God's revealed Law to all spheres of life, including Civil. Autonomy on the other hand, can take many forms and names: Socialism, Democracy, Feudalism, Dictatorship, Sharia, with many more options available. (I will state here that all law is a form of moral system, even if it isn’t religious. So while all these Autonomous options are seen as political, they also have moral systems inherent to ...