
Showing posts from April, 2021

Natural Law: Seeker Sensitive Jurisprudence

Theonomy or Autonomy. I’ve heard it many times. The implication is simple. Either you acknowledge and strive to follow and understand God's Law (as revealed in the Bible), or you reject God's Laws in favor of man's opinions, methods of justice, morality, and lawgiving. For many, the line is clearly drawn in the sand. Theonomists are quickly and easily identified because of the name that is applied to their position (theos=God, nomos=Law). There is room for differences and debate within this position, but ultimately all theonomists seek one thing: to properly and accurately apply God's revealed Law to all spheres of life, including Civil.  Autonomy on the other hand, can take many forms and names: Socialism, Democracy, Feudalism, Dictatorship, Sharia, with many more options available. (I will state here that all law is a form of moral system, even if it isn’t religious. So while all these Autonomous options are seen as political, they also have moral systems inherent to ...

Top 3 reasons why you shouldn't be a Theonomist

  The rise of Theonomy and Dominionism among a growing segment of modern Christianity is cause for concern. More and more people are being seduced by these unbiblical beliefs and are marching toward a expectation and future that simply can't be supported when you look around at the world today.  The appeal to an abrogated Old Testament is especially bad. Jesus taught regularly that the adherence to the Old Law was "leaven" and taught that love had superseded the violent and insensitive laws of the Old Order.  Since this theology is becoming so prevalent, with new interests in theonomy and republishing of out-of-print book such as "Theonomy in Christian Ethics" I decided that I needed to show the top 3 reasons why you should avoid theonomy.  1) It depends too much on scripture. Theonomists are far too dependent upon the word of God to be trusted. Whenever you try and bring an objection against them they typically respond with a bible verse. This can usually be re...

The Cloud Rider

  The Cloud Rider Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory . - Mat 24:30 It is very common today for Christians raised in a Premillennial mindset to read those words and assume that this passage is speaking about the physical and bodily return of Christ to earth. I’ve even heard it taught that: “Jesus comes in the clouds, but doesn’t come all the way to earth because His people meet him there during the rapture.” While this is erroneous on many levels, it is correct in one aspect...coming on the clouds does not mean an earthly touchdown.  It is typical for a hyper-literalist to try and strip away the rich imagery and poetic language that much of scripture, especially prophecy, employs as a way to help us understand the topic. How does scripture itself use clouds in reference to God? As we will see, clouds are often used to ...

The Binding of Satan

The Binding of Satan "And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season." (Rev 20:1-3) This verse is in the Bible! It’s the word of God. We have to realize that words mean something . They are not arbitrary or unknowable. Yet, we find so many words in scripture that nobody can seem to agree on. This is because we all have a presupposition, or a lense through which we view scripture. This is unavoidable, and anyone who says they read scripture “without bias,” or “I just believe what it says,” is deceiving themselves. When Jesus says “behold I stand at the door and knock, (Rev 3:20)” we are no...