The Public Dragon - A Poem

The Public Dragon

There is a monster in our land,  looming dark and grim. It's wretched mouth is wide agape,  It's fiery eyes are dim.

A dragon, it could well be called

It's belly filled with children.

It lives in every city fair,

It doesn't care to be hidden..

Decades of feasting has made it swell,

Gorged with the minds of girls and boys.

It rarely give back what it has taken,

And it's feasting makes no noise.

It's razor teeth are made with gold,

That every one of us has paid.

It's throat the fastest way to hell,

All in the name of a "good grade."

All these children are not dead,

They've undergone a transformation.

It's their souls that are in danger,

For they are on the path to damnation.

Deceit, sex and humanism,

Is the gospel that is taught.

These children never stand a chance, 

Their futures left to rot.

Christians offer their children too,

We're just as much to blame.

When will we ever learn the truth?

This isn't some kind of game.

We send our kids into its gaping maw,

Day after day and year after year.

And yet we're surprised when they learn to hate God,

Only then do we shed any tears.

If you haven't figured out by now,

You might just be a fool.

This dragon that is consuming our kids,

Is called the Public School.

Stop feeding your babies to this hideous beast,

Stop throwing their lives away.

Until you protect what God has given you,

The dragon will continue to slay.

Resist dear Christians, don't give any ground,

There are many more battles to fight.

We must engage the dragon with the truth of God's word,

Our children need us to be salt and light.


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