The Pledge of Allegiance: A Nation Under God?

  The Pledge Of Allegiance: a Nation under God? (My original paper on this subject can be found in the here. This updated version includes more information and I believe, makes a better case)

The times are uproarious, we are divided as a nation and have turned into fighting factions. Gay vs. straight. Democrat vs. Rebublican. Christian vs. Atheist. Pro-Choice vs. Pro-life vs. Abolitionist. We are far from being one nation, and far from being “under God.” 

How did we get here? How long did it take? Of course there have been many steps on the path to our destruction as a Nation and it would probably fill a book. Maybe a series of books. 

One small piece of the puzzle may very well be the ubiquitous Pledge Of Allegiance. From early in their formative years, children are taught to say these “timeless” and simple words: 

“I pledge allegiance, to the flag of the United States of America; 

and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, 

indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

If one does a simple Google search for ‘reasons why the Pledge of Allegiance (POA) shouldn't be recited,’ one would be inundated with liberal articles like, “Why I, a white woman, won’t stand for the Pledge'' or “Why the Pledge is white imperialism” and so on. There is even a website by the American Humanists Association called They claim it isn’t “neutral'' enough and that the religious phrase “under God'' is a violation of the separation of Church and State. They aren’t opposed to the Pledge on principle, merely the content.

Modern liberals and socialists have ridiculed and lambasted the POA for years. They shouldn’t, but they do because many of them don’t understand its history. 

Christians on the other hand, have doubled down on the POA. In a misguided effort to be the opposite end of the “liberal scale” many Christians have picked up the banner of the POA and sprinted with it. I have heard many different explanations from “It’s Christian because it honors God,” to “It honors the lives and sacrifices of those who fought for freedom!” In fact, I have seen Christians visibly angry that anyone would even suggest that the POA is somehow not what it seems. These Christians somehow see that ritualistically reciting some vaguely religious sounding words is not only good, but borderline holy. They are wrong. Again, because they don’t understand the origins and history of the POA. This is proved by the existence of books such as 'Saving one nation under God, The role of the Pledge of Allegiance in America's fight against socialism’ by Tricia Raymond. 

Let me be perfectly clear before we continue. I DO NOT hate America or its citizens, I DO NOT wish to inspire anti-patriotism or disrespect those who have indeed sacrificed much in the name of freedom. However, the Pledge is not what it seems on the surface, and my desire is to expose it for what it is. I am thankful to God for placing me in America, and I pray that the comfort I enjoy here will not cloud my ability to be an effective witness for Christ and proclaimer of the Gospel.

The POA was first published to a wide audience in the September 1892 issue of The Youth’s Companion, which was a common and popular publication at the time. The author of this Pledge, was one Francis Bellamy. Bellamy was an open and enthusiastic socialist.

He had been a Baptist preacher, but was defrocked and kicked out of his own church because of his propensity for preaching Socialist sermons...including sermons that described Jesus as a socialist. Eventually, Bellamy ceased church attendance altogether. 

Francis Bellamy had been greatly motivated by reading the work of his cousin, Edward Bellamy. This socialist utopian novel called ‘Looking Backward’ told the story of a man named Julian West, who falls asleep in 1887 and awakens in the year 2000 when the socialist "utopia" has been achieved: All industry is owned by the Soviet style state; everyone is an employee of the state who is conscripted at age 21 and retires at age 45; and all workers earn the same income. 

Bellamy said that one purpose of the Pledge of Allegiance was to help accomplish his lifelong goal of making his cousin’s socialist fantasy a reality in America and other nations. He further stated that the "true reason for allegiance to the Flag" was to indoctrinate Americans with the false ideal of American Federal sovereignty. Bellamy also viewed the bloody French Revolution in very high regard. The line “Liberty and Justice for all” was an American version of the French Revolutionists cry of “Liberty, equality, fraternity.”

The French revolutionaries believed that mass killing by the state was always justified if it was done for the "grand purpose" of achieving "equality."

In an attempt to overturn and corrupt the established and foundational view of American liberty; that being, the government answered to the people, was run by the people, and assembled by the people. Bellamy desired to see an omnipotent state government, with individuality being an archaic thing of the past. Bellamy realized that this would take time, and needed to be implemented into the thoughts of the most vulnerable in society...the young. So, with an agreement made with the National Education Association, as well as a massive publicity campaign, in 1893 the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s discovery of America was celebrated by introducing the POA into American Public schools across the country. 

Let's note here that the phrase “Under God” and “United states of America” were not parts of the original POA. In 1923 and 1924 the National Flag Conference, under the leadership of the American Legion and the Daughters of the American Revolution, changed the Pledge's words, 'my Flag,' to 'the Flag of the United States of America.' Bellamy disliked this change, but his protest was ignored.

In 1954, Congress, after a campaign by the Knights of Columbus, added the words, 'under God' to the Pledge. The Pledge was now both a patriotic oath and a public prayer. Bellamy's granddaughter said he would have also resented this second change.

So, how did this cause any damage? Why would a few simple words be an issue for anyone?

More importantly, why should Christians abstain from it?

While there are quite a few reasons, let's touch on just a few.  

  1. The History and intent of the POA:

As we have seen already in my short history lesson, that the motivations behind the POA are socialistic and statist. It was inspired by a bloody and atheistic French Reign of Terror that massacred thousands. It seeks to produce a socialistic mentality among the general populace. As TheFireBreathingChristian put it on his blog: “Is the Socialist-written Pledge of Allegiance to the United States somehow less Socialist because it’s wrapped in the American flag?”

  1. Serving two Masters:

Scripture is clear: we have but one Lord and Master. Standing in front of an American flag, placing your hand over your heart and proclaiming your undying fealty to an earthly nation is un-christian! “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” (Matthew 6:24)

How can we give our lives entirely for Christ and live a life devoted to preaching the Gospel if our allegiances are split between the eternal King and the corruptible state? 

Now, I do not think that the majority of Christians have ever given it that much thought. I do NOT think that when a confessing Christian takes part in the POA that they are actively resisting the authority of God….But, just as someone who ignorantly tells a falsehood, it doesn’t suddenly make it okay!

We can’t give our loyalty to two masters and be pleasing to both. Whether the choice is between God and money, God and man, God and a government, the choice is always the same, one or the other. In light of this it just doesn’t seem possible to give loyalty to God, and then try and give it to a government at the same time. Jesus also said, “My kingdom is not of this world.” Christ has a Kingdom, and its power and substance is not like the kingdoms of earth. When we become Christ's possession, we renounce our citizenship to earthly kingdoms. 

We are born anew, bought with a price and have been given a commission to transform the nations of this world INTO the Kingdom of Christ! (Matthew 28, Revelation 11) It would be impossible to be loyal to the USA and Iran at the same time! It’s the same with being part of the Kingdom of God. Jesus calls us to be loyal to His Kingdom, and if we have given our loyalty to God’s Kingdom, how then can we try and give it to America or any other worldly domain? “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” Matthew 12:30

  1. Pledging to a wicked nation:

Something we need to consider very seriously is how the pledge is itself a lie. “One nation under God…” Is the USA under God? In a sense, yes, all nations are under God because He is ruler of all. Christ rules the nations with a rod of iron and His will is never thwarted by those rulers who say “Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.” (Psalms 2)

However, as Christians, can we in good conscience pledge our allegiance to a nation that murders unborn children at a horrifying rate? A nation that has glorified the abomination that is Homosexuality? “Under God” is a lie.

“With liberty…” Does our nation follow liberty? Our prisons are filled to the brim with people who’s liberty has been stripped away. Can you open a business freely? Build a house without permission? Engage in a monetary transaction without the government getting a cut? Purchase a new firearm without a background check? No, true liberty is not assumed nor is it common. It is a lie.

“Justice for all.” Is justice a feature of our nation? Have the bakers who refused baking a cake against their convictions received justice? How about the thousands of children sexually abused by men who get a slap on the wrist for their actions? What about the rioters who burn, loot and destroy? I don’t see that justice is of any great concern for our nation. It is a lie.

We should be very careful as Christians who and what we commit ourselves to. If we swear our allegiance to America, we are swearing a lie. Revelation 21:8 is clear, all liars have their part in the lake of fire.    


For me, as a Christian, can I in good conscience pledge my allegiance to a nation who mocks God, spurned his law and actively fights against HIS people? For myself, I cannot. I truly wish that Christians fought for the truth of scripture and biblical justice in the way they do for the Pledge of Allegiance.  

By implementing the socialist pledge into the American schools almost 130 years ago, Francis Bellamy has nearly accomplished his fantasy. Not only have children been trained to ritualistically pledge their fealty to a wicked and godless nation, but they have been conditioned as adults to see it as patriotic and wholesome. “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness...” Isaiah 5:20

Of course, I’m not blaming the current political climate entirely on the POA, as it is one small aspect of a much larger picture. However, when the people of America in general and Christians specifically are speaking out against tyranny and government overreach, yet still dutifully place their hands over their hearts and pledge their loyalty and fealty to the corrupt all powerful state...something is dreadfully wrong. 

There is a third position regarding the Pledge, one I consider almost as dangerous as blind obedience...indifference. Now that you know the origins of the POA and the biblical reasons to avoid it, if you shrug your shoulders and say “it’s not that big of a deal!” That is cause for concern. Remember that passage in Revelation 21 about liars? Cowards are also mentioned there.

When does a man come to his senses and realize that he is no longer proud to live in the country he was born in? When does his shame and embarrassment at the sin of tolerance so thoroughly preached in this country make him blush to the roots of his hair? 

Would our Founding Fathers, if they were alive today, be proud to be American, and pledge their allegiance to the flag that represents this nation? I really wonder. Somehow I don't think so. In fact, I believe that their allegiance would be to God first, and then their country, and that they would never swear allegiance to any nation, even to this one.

I think Joel McDurmon is spot on when he says: “I don’t believe in pledging allegiance to the flag...No one has ever noticed or said anything to me, but if they did, I would calmly explain to them my biblical stand against Socialism, collectivism, resistance to tyrants, and the need for a more thoroughly biblical allegiance in society and the King of kings.”

Please consider these things prayerfully and thoughtfully. 

For further reading please check out the links below. 

Lambs Reign - Why I don’t Pledge Allegiance to the flag

Is it ever okay to refuse to salute (or sing or pledge) to the U.S. flag?

Pledging Allegiance - LewRockwell

The Pledge of Allegiance - A short history


The Pledge of Allegiance: A revised history and analysis 1892-2007 by John W Baer


Ted R. Weiland said…
WEll done!

I think you might find "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective," in which every Article and Amendment is examined by the Bible, at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Books page.

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