Masks: A Poem


A mask isn't bad, not all on its own, They have many uses its true, Lots of people wear them, even when alone, Its applications are really not few. 

An actor on the stage, rehearsing his lines,

Astronauts way up in the sky,

A man underground, digging coal in the mines,

A surgeon cutting into an eye.


Someone reading the lines of an ancient scroll,

Men cutting stone for a home,

A diver swimming the waters of a warm atoll,

Beekeepers taking gold from the comb.


There's even a time, when deadly sickness will spread,

A mask on your face will be good,

But that time isn't now, we've all been misled,

From the beginning we should have withstood.


Now our ‘lords’ have a taste of absolute power,

Their tyrannically fueled "free trial",

They sit crafting mandates from their ivory tower,

They won't stop till they've masked every smile.


So many have bowed, wearing the mask as a label,

Exposing their will as a trifle,

Eagerly reciting the media’s tired old fable,

Even as their very breath is stifled.


No, this isn't about “safety” like they constantly spew,

You’re more likely to die in a car,

This much is certain, we've been given the screw,

This whole thing has been taken too far.


Business have closed down, now gone forever,

People's lives have become like a vapor,

Many people in despair, and shattered endeavors,

Tell me, how is this “loving your neighbor?”


The time has arrived, we’re going into round two,

Do not live in blind compliance,

It's time to stand up, get your butt out of the pew,

And show your whole face in defiance.


Yes, I know we’ll be hated for resisting the lies,

We might find ourselves bound in chains,

We must be ready for whatever need may arise,

And save what little freedom remains.

Brothers and sisters let us unite under truth,

It's the only thing that can win,

Don't toss away your rights over fickle “proof”

It's not too late for resistance to begin.


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